The course is designed to give students a working knowledge of the components of effective public speech along with increased confidence and competence with delivering speeches. Through active participation, students are given several opportunities to develop their skills. Those opportunities include informative, persuasive, impromptu, and special occasion speaking.
Students are all also given opportunities to participate in oratorical contests and service projects.
Sixth grade begins by acquiring more speaking experience with attention on building confidence and identifying and improving delivery strengths and weaknesses. Once students are more comfortable, the curriculum focuses on the framework and content.
With a foundation in place, students continue improving their delivery and structure. More focus is placed on determining the specific purpose and identifying the central idea in the preparation stage as formal outlining becomes a requirement. Students are encouraged to engage in more extemporaneous speaking.
The final year of this curriculum serves as a capstone and provides students with the opportunity to address the entire student body. At this level, speeches are longer in length, require more research and support, and include visual aids. In preparation for higher education, students are introduced to small group communication and interviewing.